Real world impact:
Insights from Konstantin Meixner

Once a student of 42, always a student of the world. This is the attitude we aim to foster among our community as we encourage our students to embrace the role of a life-long learner. However, seeing our students graduate from being an enrolled student on the 42 campus to working as a software developer on new turf is always a special moment. 

Today, we speak to Konstantin Meixner, alumni of 42 Wolfsburg, about his transition from learning under the 42 curriculum to confronting real-world technological challenges in his new role as a developer with the Unreal Engine

At 42 Wolfsburg and Berlin, students learn to approach new challenges with confidence and it is this skill that Konstantin has found most transformative and transferable for his new career. The field of tech is changing and developing quicker than ever before and if our graduates can confront new topics with flexibility and grace, this will be of service to them for their entire lives; pertaining to their careers and beyond. 

Konstantin covers many aspects of his experience in a new role, including his ability to simultaneously and continuously learn and teach. Konstantin also lets us in on some of the current projects he is working on and how his experience at 42 is helping him develop them in interesting ways.

Watch the interview in full below. 

Thank you to Konstantin for sharing his time with us, helping other students to envision what’s ahead and inspire the coders of today to discover their #RealWorldImpact.

Do you want to join us? Our applications are open all year round. Apply here.
